Sunday, February 1, 2009

Knowledge Of The Holy -- A. W.Tozer - Preface

In reading the Preface of "Knowledge of the Holy", I found 11 expressions of the loss the church has incurred. All of the references deal with the church's integration with modern society. Mankind finds it necessary to gradually integrate man's ideas and expectations onto God's character.

The losses of the church include:
-a loss of the concept and sense of the majesty of God (listed 3 times),
-the surrendering of a lofty concept of God,
-having a low view of God,
-a loss of religious awe and consciousness of the divine presence.
-a loss of a spirit of worship,
-a loss of ability to draw inwardly to meet God in adoring silence,
-a lack of appreciation or experiencing the life in the Spirit,
-a decline of a knowledge of holy,
-having an idea of God that is erroneous or inadequate.

Yes, I do believe that this problem is continuing in the 21st Century in a dramatic way. People today often go to church out of habit, obligation, and/or to socialize. They often do not truly go because they have a deep desire to worship God.

What are your thoughts as you are getting ready to go to church or worship God in any other way? Are your actions performed without thinking and/or out of habit? Do you think, "Oh, I need to go to church because the kids need to go"? Are you wanting to go to see your friends and find out the latest news?
Or do you get up every morning like it were a new day, marveling in God's majesty? Do you continually praise Him throughout the day? Are you eagerly wanting to go to whole-heartedly worship God? Every Christian truly should yearned to worship God the way intended by God.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm weighing in late, but I am interested in this study. I decided to start by looking up the definition for majesty. There are various meanings associated with the word but the gist is one of greatness or impressiveness. I confess that at times I make God too small. I like a line I read from CS Lewis that said (in my words), if time is a line on the page, then God is the page. I hope this study will help me to see God as the page (or the whole ream of paper).
