Sunday, November 23, 2008

Comment Please

Q: What are you thankful for?


  1. small things: coffee - flowers - clouds on a sunny day - pretty skies - chocolate - colors - computers - fruit - scotch tape - tennis shoes - flip flops - pillows

    big things: my loving family - my new husband - my friends - my church - my pastor - my job - my apartment - my health - my country - my education - my talents

    biggest things: my God - His Goodness - His Mercy - His Forgiveness - His Son - His Guidance - His Spirit - His Sovereignty - His Love

  2. What are you thanful for? This is such an expected question at this time of the year. People (myself included) sometimes get so caught up in the rush of the day to day schedule to really step back and take a look at the life God has blessed you with. We all have so much to truly be thankful for. Yes, this life bring us trials and somedays we feel like the whole world is out to get us, but as Christians, we have the duty to let Jesus and our blessing shine through in our appearance, actions, and words. Not just at Thanksgiving but all year long. It is easy to reflect on your blessings Thankgiving day or the week leading up to. The true challenge is to make finding the good and thanking God for your many blessing all year long. SO to answer the before mentioned question. I am thankful first and foremost for God's love, mercy, and forgiveness. I am thankful for my amazing family that in tough times pulled together to get each other thru. I am thankful for my healthy and mischevious daughter and my amazing, loving, respectful and Godly fiance, Win. One thing that life has taught me is that it always can get worse or it always can get better. It all depends on your Godly attitute towards it. When you uncover satan's ugly veil and see life thru a pair of Goldy eyes you will notice that things just arent as bad as they seem. Find good and find GOD in every situation! Everyone have a happy and safe Thankgiving and remeber to share your thankfulness with everyone around you!

  3. well said, Ash, you're amazizizing!!!!

  4. Somehow I missed this last week.....but didn't want to pass up a chance to say what I am thankful for. First of all, I'm thankful for my precious Lord and Savior. I am thankful that I was brought up in a Christian home, with Godly parents. I am thankful for a wonderful husband and my children and Miss Kalei, our granddaughter. I am thankful for this time of year, when we count our blessings at Thanksgiving, and then celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas. I am thankful for my friends.
