Monday, December 1, 2008

101 Things Husbands do to Annoy their Wives

hey guys: i'm alerting you to a book by ray comfort that sells us out. ray catalogues all those stereotypes that may be true for some husbands in isolated cases but certainly not any of us. just thought you should get a "heads up" in the event this piece of propaganda shows up in your home. i am providing some representative samples from the table of contents so that you can see what we are up against: "doesn't listen" - "says 'yes dear'" - won't ask for directions" - "leaves off bread ties" - "says 'get to the point'" - "leaves toilet seat up" - "takes 'short cuts'" - "dominates tv remote" - "channel surfs" - "drives too fast" - "drives too close" - "can't find things" - "falls asleep watching tv" - "open-mouth snoring"


  1. I started to say something tacky like "I didn't know they'd written a book about Benny", but decided to not be that way and keep my mouth shut!

  2. well, I fessed up to Benny about leaving this comment......he said "Actually, those things remind me more of YOU!" I'll have you know I NEVER leave the toilet seat up!

  3. Actually John, my version of the book was titled "101 Things I did TODAY That Annoyed My Wife", it very similar.. and Dana can give you may quotes from it as well. hahaha

  4. i hear you benny and i feel your pain.
