Tuesday, December 9, 2008

three questions -- cats

just finished feeding my cats and as i observed and pondered their behavior, three questions come to mind:
1) why don't they make a mouse-flavored cat food?
2) if you throw your cat out of the car window while driving, does he become "kitty litter"?
3) since dropped toast always lands on the floor buttered side down, and since dropped cats always land on their feet, what would happen if you strapped a slice of buttered toast on a cat's back, and threw the cat off the roof: which way would he land?
just wondering...


  1. Michaela says that cats always land on their feet unless they don't have enough time because the hairs in their ears detect that they are upside down. So, put hair on toast and the toast will land right side up.

  2. All i have to say is WOW! Dad, you are a very deep man- is this how you spend your time in the office? haha love ya pops

  3. 1) We should attain a federal grant to study this further...it has merit same as stem-cell research, I know there are left over remnants of the mice used from research projects that could be used for flavorings
    2) Except in Rural areas or Mobile home communites where this animal is revered and often elevated to a Prince or Princess status.
    3)Depending on the illusion that the "fluff" on the hair hides, its actual weigh, the amount of butter on the toast....the dynamics and physics are almost incalculable. BennyRay
